Drug Status in Canada : Approved

Indication : Why is this medication prescribed?

Gastritis, peptic ulcer, hyperacidity. Nervous dyspepsia and other GI disorders particularly caused or complicated by mental/emotional factors.

Contraindication: What are the special precautions to be followed?

Under following conditions, use of this medication is inadvisable. Its use should be withhold as it would cause harm to the patient
Glaucoma, sensitivity to iodine, bone marrow depression. Liver damage. Severe ulcerative colitis. Pyloric stenosis. Intestinal obstruction. Prostatic hypertrophy.

Other Precaution to be observed while taking this medication

Cardiovascular disease. Parkinsonism. Avoid operating machinery or driving. Epilepsy.

What are possible side effects of this medication ?

Constipation, tachycardia, dry mouth, blurred vision, insomnia.

Drug Category/Class

  • Drugs for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Synthetic Anticholinergics, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
  • Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
  • Synthetic anticholinergics, quaternary ammonium compounds
  • Synthetic anticholinergic agents in combination with psycholeptics
Prescribed For the treatment of a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders, including such conditions as peptic ulcer, gastritis, hyperchlorhydria, functional...
Weight :353.5209
Structure Isopropamide
Generic Drug Isopropamide prescribed For the treatment of a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders, including such conditions as peptic ulcer, gastritis, hyperchlorhydria, functional...


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