
Drug Status in USA : Approved
Drug Status in Canada : Approved

Indication : Why is this medication prescribed?

Poisoning due to arsenic, mercury, gold, bismuth, nickel, thalium, antimony. As an adjuvant to calcium disodium edetate in lead poisoning. As an adjuvant to penicillamine in Cu poisoning and in wilsons disease.

Contraindication: What are the special precautions to be followed?

Under following conditions, use of this medication is inadvisable. Its use should be withhold as it would cause harm to the patient
Iron and cadmium poisoning.

Other Precaution to be observed while taking this medication

Hypertension, hepatic damage. Antihistaminics give 1/2 hours,, before reduces intensity of adverse effects.

What are possible side effects of this medication ?

Rise in BP, tachycardia, vomiting, tingling and burning sensation, inflammation of mucous membranes, sweating, cramps, headache and anxiety.

Drug Category/Class

  • Chelating Agents
  • Antidotes
  • Antidotes
Prescribed For the treatment of arsenic, gold and mercury poisoning. Indicated in acute lead poisoning when used concomitantly with edetate calcium disodium (...
Weight :124.225
Structure Dimercaprol
Generic Drug Dimercaprol prescribed For the treatment of arsenic, gold and mercury poisoning. Indicated in acute lead poisoning when used concomitantly with edetate calcium disodium (...


Dimercaprol has 2 Brands listed

BAL (100 mg) (Abbott)BAL (100 mg) (Samarth Pharma)

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