
Indication : Why is this medication prescribed?

Menopause (Hormone replacement therapy). Oral contraception. Threatened or habitual abortion. Dysmenorrhea. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Failure of ovarian development Hirsuitism. Senile osteoporosis. Post menopausal osteoporosis. Breast cancer. Prostatic carcinoma. Suppression of post partum lactation. Senile vaginitis. Delayed puberty in girls. Acne (Not usually given).

Contraindication: What are the special precautions to be followed?

Under following conditions, use of this medication is inadvisable. Its use should be withhold as it would cause harm to the patient
Pregnancy. Thromboembolic disorders, coronary and cerebrovascular diseases or a history of it.. Moderate-to-severe hypoertension, hyperlipidaemia. Active liver disease, hepatoma or history of jaundice during past pregnancy. Suspected.overt malignancy of genitals/breast. Prophyria. Impending major surgery - avoid post-operative thromboembolism.

Other Precaution to be observed while taking this medication

Diabetes: control may be vitiated. Obesity. Smoking. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding. Uterine leiomyoma: may enlarge with estrogenic preparations, progestin only pills can be used. Mentally ill. Age above 35 years. Mild hypertension. Migraine. Gallbladder disease.

What are possible side effects of this medication ?

Thromboembolic disorders. Coronary and cerebral thrombosis. Rising BP. Lipid disorders. Genital carcinoma. Benign hepatoma. Gall stones. Weight gain. Chloasma. Pruritus Vulvae. DM. Emotional instability. Nausea, Vomiting, headache, breath through bleeding, breast discomfort. Suppression of libido, gynaecomastia and feminization when given to males. Fusion of epiphyses and reduction of adult stature when given to children. Stilbestrol given to pregnancy women, especially during first trimester increases the incidence of vaginal and cervical carcinoma in female off spring. In postmenopausal women, estrogens can increase the risk of irregular bleeding and endometrial carcinoma. Estrogens can accelerate the growth of existing breast cancer. Migraine, epilepsy and endometriosis may be worsened by estrogens.

Drug Category/Class

Estrogens has 9 Brands listed

Conjugase (0.625 mg)Conjya
Conjya (1.25 mg)Espauz (0.625 mg)
Premarin (0.3 mg)Premarin (0.625 mg)
Premarin (1.25 mg)Premarin (25 mg)
Premarin VG (Vaginal) (Cream)

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