Showing Therapeutic classification and Category of drugs starting with alphabet "D" for Prescription and Over-the-counter (OTC) Medications.
Generic Drug Scan currently has 62 Therapeutic Classifications/Categories of Drugs listed for alphabet "D" . Against Each category, one can further explore the list of generics, respective brands and price of the drug. Information is being updated regularly, keep visiting this site for update.

Browse Therapeutic classification/Category of Drugs alphabetically and search for Generic Drugs against each category/class by clicking on it

Drug Category/Class
Drugs for Treatment of Hypoglycemia
Drugs for Treatment of Lepra
Drugs for Urinary Frequency and Incontinence
Drugs Used in Addictive Disorders
Drugs Used in Alcohol Dependence
Drugs Used in Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Drugs Used in Diabetes
Drugs Used in Erectile Dysfunction
Drugs Used in Hereditary Angioedema
Drugs Used in Nicotine Dependence
Drugs Used in Opioid Dependence