List of Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drug Brands for Prescription and Over-the-counter (OTC) Medications. Alphabetical drug brand Indexing for easy search.

Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drugs contains two or more active substances within a single pharmaceutical form.
Get details about Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drug Brands with active substances (or ingredients or salts), Composition, Preparation type, Manufacturer, available packing size/quantity and respective price. Against each Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drug Brand, other brand substitutes having similar Fixed-Dose Combination are also listed. Generic Drug Scan currently has 41756 Drug Brands listed under 9154 distinct Fixed-Dose Combinations (FDCs). The list is being updated regularly, in case a brand is missing in our list, please contact us for its enlistment.

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Drug BrandType
Amlowin AT (50+5)Tablet
Amlox (250+250+LB)Capsule
Amloz AT (5+50)Tablet
Amloz L (5+5)Tablet
Amloz Plus (5+50)Tablet
Amloz-AT (5+25)Tablet
Amlozaar (2.5+25)Tablet
Amlozaar (5+50)Tablet
Amlozaar H (5+50+12.5)Tablet
Amlozed AT (5+50)Tablet
Amlozed LS (5+5)Tablet
Amnest-AT (50+5)Tablet
Amnol (5+50)Tablet
Amnol AT (5+50)Tablet
Amnorm-A (50+5)Tablet
Amnos (10+10)Tablet
Amo Nate (1000+200)Injection
Amo Nate (500+125)Tablet
Amo Nate DS (200+28.5)Syrup
Amocilac (250+250+LB)Capsule
Amoclac Plus DT (125+125)Tablet
Amoclav (500+125)Tablet
Amoclave (1000+200)Injection
Amoclave (500+125)Tablet
Amoclave (875+125)Tablet
Amoclave DT (500+125)Tablet
Amoclavs (1000+200)Injection
Amoclavs (250+50)Injection
Amoclavs (500+100)Injection
Amoclavs-LB (30 ml)Syrup
Amoclox (250+250+LB)Capsule
Amoclox (250+250+LB)Tablet
Amoclox D (250+250)Capsule
Amoclox Kid (125+125+LB)Tablet
Amodep AT (5+50)Tablet
Amodep L (2.5+2.5)Tablet
Amodex (100 ml)Syrup
Amodic 500Capsule
Amodil (300+25+250)Tablet
Amodil DSTablet
Amodin AT (50+5)Tablet
Amodix (250+250)Tablet
Amofix (30 ml)Syrup
Amofix (500+125)Tablet
Amoflox OZ (200+500)Tablet
Amogyl Plus (500+10+600)Tablet
Amolac (250+LB)Capsule
Amolac (500+LB)Capsule